Saria Finkelstein

Saria Finkelstein, 29, keeps a red carpet in her trunk. “I roll it out at open houses and on closing days,” she says. “I know; I’m a cheese-ball.” For Finkelstein, it’s about taking old-fashioned, face-to-face customer service to the next level. Last year, she hired a business coach to “push me out of my comfort zone, challenge me on a daily basis to think bigger, and teach me how to turn my business into an empire.” Also in 2016, she announced on social media she is a “proud gay woman,” prompted by the shooting at the Pulse nightclub in Orlando, an attack that killed 49 people. “It left me in complete disbelief. I’ve been to that club. I knew people who lost people that day,” says Finkelstein. In the aftermath, she organized a blood drive, sold “Love Is Love” t-shirts that she helped design, and spoke at a Pulse memorial service in Ft. Lauderdale: “I was never more honored to do anything in my life.”

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